A third-party cover, which is mandatory, can only cover the cost of damages incurred on someone else’s car because of you. But monsoon can damage your own car as well. Here is why you need a comprehensive motor insurance cover.

Monsoon in India is a much-awaited and delightful respite from the scorching heat. Considered to be perfect for long drives and weekend getaways, the season is now even more eagerly awaited due to the post-pandemic pent-up travel demand.

However, one can’t afford to overlook the prevalent problems that monsoon brings with it—waterlogging, potholes and normally, a bad state of roads all around. Generally, it’s your vehicle that primarily bears the brunt of these troubles and so, it’s non-negotiable to prioritise its safety and protection for a pleasant ride.

Before you set off on your monsoon drive, it’s important to ensure that you are equipped with a sound motor insurance cover. It’s equally important to invest in add-on features that provide you with an extra layer of protection during this season. Let us take you through some quick tips on preparing your vehicle for a smooth ride this season.

Always opt for a comprehensive policy

Although a third-party insurance cover is a compulsory requirement by law, it is not sufficient to shield your vehicle. Since it only covers damages caused to the third party, your own vehicle is still exposed to risks that need to be covered. Now that vehicles are resuming their pre-pandemic run, buying an own-damage cover or a comprehensive policy makes sense once again.

Such a policy is a must especially in this season when the probability of accidents is higher due to bad roads or reduced visibility. Besides, the policy not only provides coverage for accidents but also insures your vehicle against risks like natural calamities, theft, fire or total loss.

Engine protection cover is a must for water-related issues

This add-on feature provides tremendous value to the car owner during the rainy season. The engine is the heart and soul of any vehicle and its protection is paramount. Not to forget, it is also the most expensive part of the vehicle. The monsoon brings added risk to this critical unit of your car, especially if you live in a flood-prone area.

A standard motor insurance policy will only cover the engine damage caused by an accident. Losses due to water ingression or leakage of lubricant won’t be covered in your policy by default.

For this, you’ll need to opt for engine protection cover in your policy. The cover insures your vehicle against damages to the engine caused because of water ingression or gearbox damage, etc. Also, hydrostatic lock due to waterlogging and seepage is a common problem during this time, which is covered by this add-on. Alternatively, a hydrostatic lock cover is also available to opt for in a motor insurance policy.

Zero depreciation cover for damaged parts

Bumper-to-bumper cover or nil depreciation cover, whatever you may choose to call it, is a great add-on. A new car is a prized possession for the owner. However, that doesn’t change the fact that your new car is considered depreciated as soon as you drive it out of the showroom. So, in case your car suffers damage, you’ll be compensated as per the depreciated value of the parts or the car.

Since the chances of damage are higher during monsoon, not opting for the zero depreciation cover can cost you dearly. On the other hand, if you’ve opted for this cover, rest assured that your claim will be paid in full as per the market value. One important point to note here is that this feature is only available for cars that are five years old or less.

Opt for roadside assistance cover for emergencies

A vehicle breakdown in the middle of nowhere can turn the best of trips into a nightmare. Especially if you are travelling alone, this would unarguably be the last thing that you’d want to deal with.

Opting for a roadside assistance add-on prevents you from being stranded without any help for long hours. At a reasonable cost, this feature ensures that professional help reaches you on time and your issue is fixed. Not just that, in case the problem is severe and your vehicle needs a tow, that can be arranged as well. During the rainy season, the instances of vehicle breakdown are pretty common. Don’t forget to add this cover to your monsoon checklist for a hassle-free ride.

Also, to avoid any surprises, or rather, disappointments at the time of claim, don’t forget to add other relevant add-ons to your policy, like the lock and key cover, consumables cover and more.

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